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Through the Journey of Spiritual Life Built Selft-awareness Toward integrity of Creation A Self-reflection

By: Nur Hafid
Human beings are social beings. They need one another to communicate, share, and interact with so that they will be able to realize their fullness and see—who they are—and find meaning and peace in their lives.
Humans also need to move or migrate from one place to another. The process of migration or moving is called the life journey. Within the life journey, people learn detachment so that they can utilize their abilities to observe, think, analyze their surroundings and environment, and get the wisdom and deep meaning of life. The life journey is vital because it develop a person’s emotional and spiritual aspects.
By learning to balance their abilities one can build more self-awareness to understand the “what, why and how is life”.
The Relevance of Self-Awareness
To think about the other does not mean that we have to know everything that other person is doing. It is through self-awareness that all creation in the world interconnects and interrelates to each other. This means that when one feel threatened, the other will also feel threatened.
As an illustration, let us imagine the system of our body. When one part of our body is feeling painful, surely, the other part of our body will also feel painful. The Asian Social Institute founder—Fancis Senden—as the place where the writer is now studying for his Masteral degree—in his philosophy emphasized that everything in the world is interconnected. He said that “the part” couldn’t be separated from “the whole”. “The whole” cannot exist without “the part” and likewise “the part” will not exist without “the whole”. (PCTHD: 2006)
What will happen?
When a human being practices self-awareness and realizes that all of creation is interconnected—just like the structure of the body—it means that all of creation is integrated and united. So all of us will not be able to live and without every parts of creation. The process becomes a mutual-symbiosis. Thus will life in this world be in harmony and peace.
How to build self-awareness?
I come from a small village in Java Island, Indonesia where the people practice Islamic cultures very profoundly. Later I moved to Jakarta the capital city of Indonesia, to study. There I met new people and the experience made me think, observe, meditate and realize that there are different cultures, costumes, attitudes and also religions. Because of this, I realized that life is so colorful, beautiful and meaningful.
The next destination was ASI, Manila, Philippines. In ASI really I really found myself. Besides, being far away from my family, I also realized that in life there are many other challenges to face to become a better person especially when dealing with people who come from different countries, tribes, and also religions. I came to understand, accept and cooperate and I now see my classmates as my family.
However the realization did not necessarily mean to change one’s personal identity and background. Rather it is to bring, proclaim and promote the common values to build justice and peace.
I realized that without these experiences I would not be able to have more knowledge and wisdom about life. Further, I realized and built self-awareness that life is really meaningful when the all people would realized that they are really different yet interconnect to each other.
In the Holy Koran we find this phrase “if we want to know the real meaning of life we have to migrate to other parts of the world”. It means that because of having walked and looked at what is happening in the world, human beings will think about themselves firstly and later they will think about other’s welfare too. (6:11)
Moreover Koran mentions that in this life we have to think and consider our vertical relationship (the relationship between human and God) but must not ignore our horizontal relationship (social relationship) between human beings and our nature. (3: 112)
God created various tribes and nations, and diversity in nature to show that although He express his magnificence in different ways, everything is connected because we are all created by the same resources.
So, let us proclaim our true goodness through love, justice and peace to the world!

Penulisa adalah Candidate Master of Science in Sociology in Asian Social Institute-Philippines.
Address: 1518 Leon Guinto st. Malate, Manila 1004, Philippines. CP: (+639176406715) email:


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